Hey everyone! Welcome to my humble new blog.
I've finally taken the plunge after months of deliberating. I love reading other people's blogs so thought why not create my own right? I'm not expecting loads of views but just thought it would be a fun idea. :) Expect to see posts about anything and everything, from fashion and beauty to the occasional advice or lifestyle post.
I'll kick off this blog with my new years resolutions (one of which was to create a blog, check!). I know its half way through February already but thought better late than never! Also i thought it would be a nice idea to write these all down so here we go:
Be Healthier
Drink more water. So a few months ago I decided to drink about a litre and a half as I know I don't drink enough and I always hear it's the best thing you can do for your skin…but that plan only lasted two weeks. But new year, new leaf, and I am going to start this again and stick to it this time.
Get my 5-a-day. Proud to say this one is going fairy well. Luckily at sixth form they always have fruit in the lunch hall so I have a banana, satsuma, apple, or all three, a day. Might not quite be 5 each day but it's an improvement on before!
Drink more tea and light more candles
Bit of a random one but I thought: I like tea…tea makes me happy…so why not drink more of it right? Same logic with the candles, I like candles + I own lots of candles = I should light those candles more often!
Go to bed earlier
Yup I know this is a boring one. But I mean during weekdays, I end up going to sleep at at least midnight every night for absolutely no reason, and then wake up feeling shattered and having to drag myself out of bed to drive to school. I just start going onto Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and (my biggest weakness) Tumblr, and before I know it it's midnight and I've been sat in the same position for about 3 hours. Please say I'm not the only one who does this? I have to admit though this one has not yet been put into action, maybe now it's officially written down I'll have more hope? Who knows.
Learn to cook
I'm not completely incompetent in the kitchen, I'm capable of making a proper meal, but I always resort to cooking the same thing: some kind of pasta or noodles and salmon (might put the recipe for this up here sometime, it's my speciality!) So my goal for 2013 is to cook a more varied selection of food something other than brownies, cakes, cupcakes, and cake pops.
Be more confident
This is a more personal one. Basically I've decided I'm not going to sweat the small stuff, because thats all it is…SMALL stuff. I wouldn't say I'm a worried person as I'm quite laid back and outgoing, however I'm quite shy if I don't know someone very well. So I'm going to try and be more comfortable around people I don't know and stop worrying about what they think of me, after all you can't please everyone! Also, this is a bit of an odd one, I'm going to be less tolerant. Yes I know most people's resolutions would be to be more tolerant but sometimes I think I let people off too easily. I tend to sit in the background just saying 'I don't mind' when really I'm thinking 'no!' So from now on I shall speak my mind more often (in a good way).
Learn to do the splits
I used to do gymnastics from when I was 6 until around 14 but since I quit (and swapped floor tumbling for internet tumbling) I seem to have instantly lost every inch of my flexibility; so I'm going to learn to do the splits again…minus the old leotard.
Thanks everyone, I'll be back soon!
Love, Olivia x
Oh my, that cake !!! Nice post((: